The ONOS Performance and Security Analysis brigade members gathered for the third annual brigade workshop in Paris downtown, Cnam, France, on June 17, 2019, co located with the TMA 2019 conference. This time, the focus of the workshop was on the results on a performance and security comparison between two controllers well known in the SDN community, ONOS (Open Network Operating System) and ODL (OpenDayLight).
The program and presentations of the workshop are available in the brigade wiki page :
The comparison of the two controllers is done in terms or fault management, open source code maintenance, and security vulnerabilities management.
The detailed Informational Report documents the performance and security assessment campaigns.
The workshop was also the occasion to gather the ideas toward future activities, namely on the performance tests for latest ONOS releases and its newest protocols and southbound interfaces such as P4Runtime over gRPC.
Additional test proposals are welcome for both current reports, especially if related to activities already ongoing, or for future reports – feel free to contact the brigade lead to discuss them.
Please reach out to the brigade mailing list ( if you have any questions or want to get involved.
We hope to see you at the next meetup!