OIMT and OTCC have merged into the Linux Foundation as ONMI (read the press release).
The Technical Steering Teams (TSTs) leading OIMT and OTCC continue to guide the technical work of these projects, and the working model for these projects should remain undisturbed throughout this transition.
Learn more about the new ONMI project under LF here.
The Open Information Modeling & Tooling (OIMT) project aims to evolve industry-wide Open Information Models and associated open source tooling software that guides/supports the development of software-defined standard platforms, frameworks and interfaces used to control/manage/orchestrate Software Defined Networks. It will include the development of
- Detailed but compact canonical models in UML (with supporting documentation), capturing the essence of networking from a management-control perspective, and of control from a governance perspective that will, by emphasizing patterns, promote efficient software development
- Tooling software that supports the mapping from the canonical models to purpose specific UML models (such as for an interface)
- Tooling software that converts an appropriate UML model into an interface schema form such as Yang, JSON or TOSCA
- Guidelines that promote normalized use of UML, shared tooling use and tool driven standardized language mappings
The tooling suite is used by projects such as Open Transport to assist in building the interface model and to convert that interface model into an interface schema, avoiding hand coding.Direct or indirect adoption of the model and generated artifacts by other industry initiatives will improve the consistency of stored information, ease the mapping to interfaces and improve component interconnection.
Ongoing leveraging of this work by industry partners (such as ITU-T, OIF, TIP, MEF, TMF, OASIS-TOSCA and ETSI-NFV) in their information models and tool chain will facilitate industry convergence and federation to avoid needless fragmentation in the SDN/NFV/Cloud/transport space.
Project Resources