R-CORD project work has been folded into the SEBA platform. Please visit the SEBA page for latest updates
R-CORD is an open source solution based on the CORD platform for delivering ultra-broadband residential services. R-CORD transforms the edge of the operator’s network into an agile service delivery platform enabling the operator to deliver the best end-user experience along with innovative next-generation services. Various access technologies can be used including: GPON, G.Fast, 10GPON, and DOCSIS.
The CORD platform brings the economies of a datacenter and the agility of the cloud to the edge of the TELCO network. Built on commodity servers and white box switches, the CORD infrastructure leverages SDN to interconnect the virtual and physical elements and to enable innovative services.

Legacy Central Office
Legacy networks were built using a number of discrete purpose-built hardware devices to connect residential subscribers to the carrier’s backbone network. Each of these devices is a source of complexity and considerable expense, as both capex and opex. Additionally, new hardware is needed when scaling capacity or creating new services.
R-CORD: Overview of the CORD Use Cases
- Control Subscriber Access
- Monitor Resource Usage
- Diagnose Problems
R-CORD implements the complete residential ultra-broadband solution as a cloud-native collective of virtual machines and containers running, to the greatest extent possible, on general-purpose data center infrastructure.
While specialized access hardware is needed to physically connect subscribers (via GPON, DOCSIS or similar), the VOLTHA project abstracts even this special purpose equipment to make it manageable as an OpenFlow manageable resource.
This architecture, all available as open source software, brings many of the advantages of cloud-era computing to operator access networks, including:
- CAPEX advantages of leveraging commodity hardware and dynamic workload distribution.
- OPEX advantages of cloud automation and lights-out operation.
- New revenue sources by enabling the dynamic crafting and deployment of new innovative services without hardware upgrades or truck rolls.

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